Check out this great article from MOPAR INSIDERS.

December 30, 2024 | Happy New Year

Hope you've made some memories this holiday season with family and friends. 

I can't believe we're going into year 18 for this little organization. It's been quite a ride so far, fast straights and slow turns. The car culture has surely changed here in Houston and we've done what we can to adapt. We started out as a place to help owners connect with each other and build lasting friendships. That's been our priority since 2007 and continues to be.

I've got three quick announcements to share.

1. Our annual BBQ CRUISE TO LULING is January 25th.

2. The Granddaddy of all LX events, Spring Festival, is back and scheduled for March 22, 2025.

3. Connect with SCLX in various ways

Finally, thank you for being part of the ride.



Hello SCLXers, 

LSMF WKND was incredible and we've set the date for #15. 

Join us October 9-11, 2025.

Also, there were plenty of awesome builds at the 2024 SEMA SHOW and we've posted the info here.



June 1, 2024 | lone star mopar fest

Hello SCLXers, 

Just an update, we've update our event sites for LSMF WKND. Visit or for info on the 14th MOPAR HOMECOMING.




Hello SCLXers. We're phasing out our direct text messaging service on March 15. 

We invite you to join the SCLX MODERN MOPAR group on TELEGRAM. This group has now been set to “read-only” so you won’t be inundated with replies. From time to time we may adjust it to get feedback, but that will be limited.

The reason for this change is so we can devote resources to a more robust communications platform where those of you who remember, can interact in a forum-style environment from the connivence of any device. Look for that announcement in the next few weeks.

Hope to see you on TELEGRAM (click here to join) to stay updated on SCLX.



jan 20, 2024 | event rig day

Hello SCLX fam! 

Today we celebrate a vision that members help make happen. We had an audacious goal to put together a "mobile event rig". It would have everything we needed to host an event. Prior to this we transported everything in a few vehicles.

We shared the goal with members and y'all supported it. Within a few weeks we purchased the trailer and started procurring the items. A few months later I even bought my first RAM1500 so we could pull the trailer anywhere anytime.

In 2020 we let members know about a few updates we needed to make. A real paint job, new tires, etc. You again answered. 

I've got this date saved in my calendar because of how special it is to SCLX and I never want to forget the generosity of our members.

Here's to twelve years of our Event Rig!

Thank you SCLX,


P.S. For 2024 we plan to upgrate our public address system so at larger events everyone can hear annoucements and music. We'll let you know about this when it's time and know you'll answer again.


Hello SCLX fam! 

As we close out 2023 I wanted to give you a long overdue update on the club. 

I remember when we started SCLX in 2007. We were the first and only modern Mopar club in town. We met every month. Hangouts, mod meets, cruises, really fun stuff. 

Today, there are many clubs in town. This club was doing this, this club was doing that. We even heard rumblings that people were tired of "just meeting in parking lots". Then in March 2019 we lost our long-time meeting spot, the Target near downtown, because outside-of-the-club individuals did burnouts in the lot. How many of us wish we could just hang out in parking lots?

Fast forward to 2023 and the car culture in Houston has changed. What were easy-going gatherings have turned into takeovers and we have not wanted to put your/our reputations and rides at risk. 

We know you have a deep desire to connect and we need to take steps to provide those opportunities. That said, Pam and the team are working on a schedule for 2024 events - hosted by SCLX and events we join up with. 

If you have an idea please email Pam ( Be ready for her to ask you to come alongside the team walk the idea out. We encourage you to host meetups in your local area that we can help create awareness for. 

If you see or are going to participate in something, also let us know so we can add it to the calendar for others to see. Share it in the Facebook Group and be sure to let us know so we can continue to bring awareness. 

Helping owners meet owners is our mission, and with your help we'll get back to it!



P.S. Are you on TELEGRAM? We just started our group... join SCLXMM via this link.

FEB 20, 2023 | Continue To Be The Example

We hear the comments from time to time, "I wish SCLX hosted more events like we use to". There was a time we hosted two or more events a month for years. With the way the car scene had deteriorated in the past five years, we have to be very particular in the events we host and the locations we choose. 

The night before our March 2019 Central Meet & Greet a group of people were doing donuts in the Target parking lot. As a result the property managers shut the lot down to our gathering. Ten years of goodwill and cooperation lost because activities we were not involved in.

This recent story from Austin TX is a reminder of why we are so very appreciative of the SCLX family and how you conduct yourselves. Continue to be the example of what an enthuiast community should be.

MAY 28, 2023 | Our Sweet Sixteen (2007-2023)

It started on the forums. 

Then a few of us gathered in each others driveways. 

Then a cruise to Galveston. 

Then getting kicked out of an event because our cars were "too" modern. 

Then we started SCLX in May of 2007. 

The cars have gotten more powerful and the relationships have grown stronger. 

You Are SCLX 🚀


The time has come. We held on to that old website from December 2009 a little too long.

You'll see here that our events page is more robust. We will post SCLX events and FB events that members show interest in.

The photos section shows a peek at the album instead of just a link.

This site focuses on providing you with information, thus, we've moved conversations to apps many of you already use:

This new site gives YOU a better online experience to find out about events and news.